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Monday, March 14, 2016


            I heard the last few remarks by Cokie Roberts on National Public Radio this morning telling the NPR audience how bad it is for America internally and around the world to have images of these violent protests at Trump rallies, and, being a good liberal, blaming Trump for the violence.  On the leftist cable network, MSNBC, one commentator (perhaps Rachel Madow) blamed Trump for the Friday night troubles in Chicago because he had booked his rally at the University of Chicago.  Why there?  She assured viewers that that is not a Republican area, there are no Republicans there, and there has not been a Republican rally in that area that she could recall.  Just booking the Trump rally in that location was a provocation.  Therefore, Trump was causing trouble.  One TV reporter interviewed a Black who summarized that belief, “Trump does not belong here (in Chicago).”
            Trump is an American citizen, the leading candidate of a major political party running for President of the USA.  He has the right to visit and speak in any American city.  Chicago is also home to thousands of illegal aliens, invaders of the US, but the Democrats proclaim they have a right to be in Chicago or anywhere else in the US.
            For decades, many universities have become enclaves where conservatives are denied the right to express their opinions.  True, in the 1950s and 60s, Communists were barred from teaching and often even appearing on campus as an invited speaker.  The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in California led to an easing of restrictions, and the Left was permitted to have tables to display, give away and sell, material in support of the SNCC, CORE, and other civil rights organizations, and other causes.  But in the 60s, new restrictions on speech began to appear.  When Nobel Prize winner William Shockley asserted there were racial differences in intelligence, he was shouted off the stage, and Hans Eysenck, a distinguished psychologist, whose research demonstrated racial differences, he was punched in the face when he addressed a university audience in Australia.  As universities sought to increase Black student enrollment, often through affirmative action (admitting lesser and unqualified students), these students often became the foot soldiers to enforce left-wing conformity on campus.  By the 1990s, even a prominent Black advocate of equal opportunity and the end of affirmative action was shouted down and not permitted to speak at the U. of Wisconsin, Madison, and he had similar shut-downs at other campuses.  The Left demands a veto on what is said on campus.
            Bottom line, the Left, which often controls universities, does NOT believe in free speech.  The left wing “Free Speech Movement” was an example of bait and switch.  They wanted free speech for their groups; but once they had that, they sought to suppress those who disagreed with them.  And they have done so.  Even hiring faculty in the softer areas usually requires a Left wing certificate of approval.  Some of the lesser colleges require you write an essay on “diversity” as part of your application.  Today’s universities solve the denial of free speech with finesses – hate speech is not free speech.  If you oppose the invasion of America by millions of the  “undocumented,” you are condemned as a hater.  No speech for you.  Of course, in the past, if you supported invasion of the US, you were guilty of treason. (And you still are).  But that too is now considered hateful, and the university does not want that heard.
            So Trump hired a hall at the University of Chicago.  And the far-left wing millionaire, George Soros, with one of his many front-groups apparently helped organize the anti-Trump “protestors” in Chicago.  Several months ago out West Socialist Bernie Sanders had a rally aimed at the elderly, where he might present his message.  He was interrupted, and 2 bullying members of Black Lives Matter demanded the mike.  Sanders yielded the microphone – and his rally – to the BLM bullies!  If he cannot control his own rally, how will he be able to control the office of the Presidency?  The elderly had gone to hear Bernie on issues of the aged.  Instead, they heard from the anti-white (a group that rejects All Lives Matter) BLM.  Typical Left-wing bait and switch.  Shortly after, Trump announced he would not allow BLM to take over his rallies.
            The Left wants to take over all rallies.  They took over the Bernie Sanders rally.  They have interrupted Hillary Clinton at her rally.  Bernie appeased them.  Hillary appeased them.  Why appease these anti-white, pro-crime organizations?  Trump refuses to yield.  His supporters have fought back.  That is a “crime” to the Left, perhaps the only crime according to the Left.  Furthermore, there may be some protestors, but many are at Trump rallies to disrupt, opstruct, and prevent him from being heard.  They are disrupters, trying to prevent a major candidate for President from being heard.  They are trying to destroy the democratic process by denying people from hearing a major candidate.
            Naturally, one expects the Kokie Roberts (daughter of 2 Congresspersons, both Democrats) to attack Trump and defend the protestors.  One expects similar analysis from Left wing MSNBC, New York Times, WaPo, etc.  Sadly, however, other Republican candidates have attacked Trump for causing the trouble – Rubio, Kasich, and to some extent Cruz.  They utterly miss the point.  If Trump were to drop out of the running tomorrow, the Soros-funded Left-wing anarchists, communists, BLM, OWS, would suddenly try to shut down Cruz, then Rubio, then Kasich.  Soros is a convicted criminal in France.  He is accused of overthrowing various governments around the world with his NGOs.  He seeks to prevent Americans from choosing out President in a democratic manner.

            One hopes Trump will never yield to these thugs.  

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