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Friday, March 27, 2020

THE END OF AMERICA - 1776 to 2020

This is a very sad day, Friday 27 March 2020.  It will live in history because today Congress passed, and Pres. Trump signed, the 2 trillion dollar corona-virus stimulus bill.  Were it simply an expensive but necessary monetary supplement to those laid off from their jobs because many governors are demanding that businesses close to prevent spread of the virus, if it were simply an extension of unemployment insurance, and loans or even gifts to airlines, ships, hotels, and other service and tourist industries shut down by government to halt further contagion by the virus, these things could be justified.

 But in the massive legislation there is money to be given to National Public Radio, which like BBC and Deutsche Welle, is a liberal left news and entertainment and "education" media source.  But the news is hate-Trump, smear conservative, cheer Obama and the Left.  Some of its interviews are repellent, preventing the interviewee from expressing the truth by the interviewers voiceover and hostile questions and interruptions.  Also in the bill, money for the Kennedy Center, a Democratic and left-wing culture venue.  Corporations that take federal funds are to add "inclusive" members to their boards.  This can mean a new set of extortions and shakedowns, to run the company into ruin.

 Worst, there are provisions to make it easier to register to vote, and to vote.  Already in some states, for example, illegal aliens are allowed to vote in some elections.  This will make it easier for Democrats to steal elections all over the US by encouraging more votes from illegal aliens, the dead, and others who will be voting more than once.  Stimulus bill?  It will stimulate stolen elections!  Instead of a democratic republic, the USA will become a Democratic Party, one-party state.  That party already favors restrictions on free speech, and on the right to own and carry weapons; the Democrats also favor the rights of violent criminals over the rights of their victims (most violent criminals are from Democratic Party voting blocs.)  During this crisis in states governed by Democrats, the Governors are letting more criminals out of jails and not putting more in (to avoid contagion), and at the same time closing gun shops so the honest people cannot defend themselves from the pumped up permanent criminal class on the roam.

      The Wuhan corona virus is bad enough.  The remedy of the Democrats under Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, AND the Republicans who control the Senate is far worse than the virus.  Pres. Trump, misled by Medicrats, bureaucrats with medical degrees,  has also whipped up some of the hysteria over the virus.  He has not been as much of a fear monger as some of the vocal Democrats, like NY Governor Cuomo of New York, but Trump caved more and more to the doctors, who were wrong about the AIDS epidemic, predicting millions of Americans would die, and that it would spread beyond homosexuals and drug users to the general population, when that proved mostly wrong too.  Why rely on those who were wront in the past?  Why rely on such alarmists like Dr. Anthony Fauci?  Trump was snookered by the Medicrats.  And when Trump declared he favored giving each citizen $1,000, I was stunned.  I had voted for Trump in 2016.  Suddenly I felt instead, I had elected Democrat Andrew Yang, whose signature policy while running for the Democratic nomination of President in 2020 was to give each American $1,000 a week.

     Trump has been infected - not by the virus, but by Democratic Party and Medicrat madness.
The media, Democratic and GOP leaders, including Trump, have denounced Kentucky Republican Representative Massie, who demanded that the House of Representatives hold a real vote, not a voice vote, on this most crucial legislation.  Massie was right to do so.  THOMAS MASSIE IS A HERO.

     Meanwhile, 27 March 2020, with enactment of this horrible 2 trillion dollar legislative package, will be seen as the beginning of the end of the America that the world has known.  How long before massive inflation destroys the American middle class and the whole economy?  America is now on a cruise ship to Weimar Germany, 1923 where one required a wheel barrel full of Reichsmarks to purchase some groceries.  Will we be paying $1,000 for some toilet paper?  Or will we be using the useless dollars to wipe up the mess?  The mess that began 27 March 2020.
      March 27, 2020 - a very sad day in history.
      Hugh Murray