Both great men, both heroes, both despised by the American establishments of their eras.
Both became convicted felons, so we recall King writing letters from the Birmingham jail. He was convicted by fanatical Democratic District Attorneys determined to punish all who challenged racist, segregation laws. Former Pres. Trump had to defend himself in court by a slew of fanatical Democratic Party DAs, likely coordinated by Atty. Gen. Garland's Justice Department. If Trump would simply retire to senility, he would be no threat to the globalist order, but he was planning to run for President a 3rd time, in 2024, and the globalist elite and their coalition decided the best way to prevent him from winning would be through the courts. Convict him in heavily Democratic areas where the juries would lean against any Republican. Dig up old charges, some that had never been used against any other business man, or any man faced with a long past sex allegation and never before tried, and now years after the "fact," and taking documents from the National Archives, while VP Biden had also taken such documents, docs which a President could take, but a vice president could not legally do so; yet the Biden case was gently handled by Garland's attys, but they went after Trump - hard. And, ironically, one reason the recent Democratic Party hates Trump, the Democrats are the defenders of the new racism, the anti-white, anti-male, anti- this and that bureaucratic nightmare of diversity, equity, and inclusion, which also requires inclusion of biological men in women's sports so women will have less chance of winning. Trump and the MAGA movement stand for equal rights and merit, concepts that are now anathema to Democrats. Prior to the 2024 election, Trump was facing up to 700 years if all those cases were resolved against him. Trump did not yield - he fought on.
King was threatened and assassinated. They tried to assassinate Trump, twice, in 2 months. He fought on, and he won the election. Jan. 20, 2025 will be the beginning of out liberation day. The invaders are on notice that they will have to go home. The borders will be open for legal immigrants. Looters and criminals will be punished, despite Soros chosen attys who fail to perform their duties. We will have freedom of speech, freedom to question Medictators like Dr. Fauci, whose funds may have paid for the development of Covid (as part of biological warfare), and whose policies probably killed many Americans who should have survived. Free speech will not resolve all differences, but it may clarify issues. There will still be mistakes made, many unsolved problems, but we won't have Los Angelse burning so many homes because the Gov. refused to do his job in controlled burning of underbrush and saving record rainfalls for the non-rainy days. It won't be perfect, for it never is here on earth, but it will be more open so we may discover our mistakes before they become catastrophes. With luck, under Trump's leadership, America enters a new age on Jan. 20, 2025.
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