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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Some Comments on Recent Stories

The New York Times

Campaign Stops - Strong Opinions on the 2012 Election
December 1, 2011, 2:13 AM
Voting Rights — and Responsibilities

·         Hugh Murray
·         Milwaukee
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to its sponsors would not give special advantages to Blacks, not would it require quotas or even racial balance in the workplace. Indeed, Sen. Humphrey contended hiring or firing for racial balance would be illegal under the CR law. Unfortunately, within a few years, behind the scenes, liberals in both parties turned the law on its head, and formulated affirmative action into anti-white, governmental required, institutional racism.
Now, whistle blower J. Christian Adams, in his book INJUSTICE, demonstrates how the anti-white racism infects the Department of Justice under Obama. The leadership is simply unwilling to enforce the law to protect the voting rights of whites. So long as we have Obama as President and Holder as Atty. Gen., we can expect more of such anti-white racism - enforcing the law when it helps Blacks victims; ignoring the law or obstructing the law when it helps white victims.
Obama's Administration is clearly racist, anti-white racist. Under Pres. Obama, all are equal, but some are more equal than others.

New York Times
Readers' Comments
The Decadent LeftBack to Article »
Better a protest movement that casts itself (however quixotically) as the defender of “the 99 percent” than one that just represents Democratic interest groups.

Hugh Murray
December 4th, 2011
7:27 am
Douthat contends it is better for a protest to defend the 99% than narrow interests. The Nazis declared that they represented the 99% of Aryans in Germany against the 1% of Jews. The Occupy crowd is determined to have its way with tantrums and by trampling on the rights of others to open their business, sleep in a quiet neighborhood, walk in a park, etc. for weeks. The Wisconsin mobs harassed duly elected representatives. Do we want a government based upon an election in which citizens can vote, or a mobocracy of intimidating, sloganeering protestors who allegedly defend the 99%? Interestingly, the majority usually votes against the Occupy extremists.

New York Times

Execution Case Dropped Against Abu-Jamal

Published: December 7, 2011

  • Hugh Murray
  • Milwaukee
Scandalous! The murderer should have been executed decades ago. No wonder America is infected with racist flash mobs, racist muggers, and racist murderers like Panther Mumia. The courts which have collaborated with criminals by permitting soft sentences for monsters, the university departments that specialize in excusiology, and the media that hired this jailed murderer as a commentator, all contribute to the Black Panther racist ideology that contaminates our cities. Mumia lives as American justice dies.
These are some of my comments from Yahoo.
What Are Climate Change Skeptics Still Skeptical About? http://l.yimg.com/a/i/identity2/profile_48c.png"A BBC TV documentary on the history of Britain began with a look at ancient human ruins in the Shetland and Orkney islands. Remnants in the ancient ovens revealed they were eating tropical fish. Must have been very warm north of Scotland 5,000 years ago. In 1,000 AD Vikings settled Greenland, and built a community of 3,500 people living a European life with cows to graze the green land. They even had a bishop. It was warmer then than now. Then it grew cold around 1300 AD, and the settlement disappeared. In the Middle Ages the French vintners complained about imported English wines - because it was warm in England. Bottom line - it was much warmer in the Middle Ages than it is now. Humans survived and some thrived. Our climate fluctuates. Ignore the Gores and others with their computer speculations and fantasies that show little evidence of human history and natural climate change."
Jewish group applauds David Duke's arrest http://l.yimg.com/a/i/identity2/profile_48c.png"Too bad free speech is not a part of the German Constitution! Remember Voltaire's comment about defending the right of people to express views with which the author disagrees. Duke should have been allowed to speak. He should not have been arrested. Anyone who uses violence, like some in Occupy Wall Street, should be arrested. Those who occupy property that is not theirs, might be arrested. But a man invited to speak before a peacefully assembled group, should NOT be arrested. We can hope that Duke is free now and that the oppressive German government stops its policies that deny free speech and other freedoms."
One of the posters on this site accused me of being KKK.  I replied that while I had never been a member of the KKK, I had been a member of the ACLU.-------Hugh

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