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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Terror in Norway - Anders Breivart

This   is composed of two comments I had in the New York Times on line in response to articles concerning the terrorist action in Norway.----------Hugh Murray 

New York Times
Breivik and His EnablersBack to Article »
Anti-immigrant Islamophobia is an ideology rampant on both sides of the Atlantic.
Hugh Murray
July 26th, 2011
10:56 am
If I were to compare the Bible to Hitler's Mein Kampf, I would be dismissed as a nut, and it would end there. In the Netherlands, Wilders was prosecuted for comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf. Are Westerners allowed to express freedom of speech if it offends militant Muslims? That is the question. Recall how men were threatened, nearly killed, and bombs thrown when newspapers dared publish a cartoon about Muhammad? Remember how Rushdie had to live in hiding because of the Muslim threats to kill him. Simply put, many Muslims (perhaps the majority in Europe) do not believe in free speech. And they are willing to use violence or support violence to prevent free speech.
In Britain, and the US, some cases seemed so unusual, baffling. Then the pattern appeared - parents and relatives were killing their daughters who might date a non-Muslim, or wear Western clothing. Honor killings now occur where Muslim immigration exists, in the US and Europe.
In the UK, some beds in NHS hospitals have to face Mecca. Some of the nurses now will not clean their arms because they must keep them covered. Who cares if more disease is spread. We dare not annoy the Muslims!
NY just had a marriage debate. How many wives should a man be allowed at one time. The Koran has an answer. Will Euro-America give welfare for all the wives of a Muslim man?
Several decades ago in Egypt women could wear mini skirts and Western clothing. As resurgent Islam insulted more and more women, sometimes attacking them, they dressed "more modestly." And the Arab Spring, recall the case of CBS correspondent Lara Logan, assaulted and nearly killed while the cheering, tolerant crowd, celebrating the demise of Mubarak's rule, shouted "Kill the Jew; kill the Israeli." Did it matter that she was neither - she was dressed immodestly.
Even in Australia, some Muslim's have raped women in bikinis, because they do not dress modestly.
I certainly do not say that all Muslims are so warped,but...
New York Times
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Shift in Europe Seen in Debate on ImmigrantsBack to Article »
Political leaders fear such tragedies could drive changes in public opinion as far-right parties react.
Share your thoughts.

Hugh Murray
July 27th, 2011
10:12 pm
Sadly, sometimes terror pushes voters to choose the policy of the terrorists. Recall, around 2002, the Islamic attack in Spain that led to the fall of the Conservative government, which had supported the war in Iraq. After the subway bombing in Madrid, the Socialist won power and withdrew Spain's support for the US-led effort.
One does not know the consequences of the Norwegian's terrorist attack. One can only hope that there is no large sympathy vote for the Labor Party, which has so supported the oppressive policies of massive immigration and multiculturalism.
The leaders of Germany, France, and Britain all acknowledge multiculturalism's failure. Yet they are only partially correct.
After the uprising in Berlin in 1953, Bertolt Brecht wrote a stinging poem indicting the leadership of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). He suggested they hold a plebiscite and elect a new people. That is precisely what the Left parties have been doing in Europe - they have encouraged massive immigration to reduce the influence of the native citizens, and win the votes of those who have no history with the nation, with Western Civilization, or with democracy. The trend has thus been to a politically correct tyranny.
And the US goes further providing affirmative action preferences to discriminate against native citizens and award the immigrants, even the illegal immigrants.
One can only hope that the parties of the Right can prevent any more immigration as a method to elect a new people.

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