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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Islam, Jihad, and American Appeasement

            On 23 June 2011 a Dutch court acquitted Geert Wilders of the crime of “hate speech” against Islam and the Koran.  Muslim groups may appeal the ruling to a European court.  The “hate speech,” was it that of Wilders, or that written in the Koran?  Robert Spencer’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades is just that, a guide exposing the hate speech in the Koran and in the revered commentaries.  In emphasized blocks through his book, Spencer contrasts the gentle words of Jesus with those of the rigid Muhammad.  Spencer’s book was published in 2005, but events since simply reinforce and update the excellent foundation Spencer has provided us.
            And Spencer is clear at condemning the appeasement policy of the American Government and the West generally.  In the name of multiculturalism and anti-colonialism and anti-racism, Muslims may condemn Western ideas, but the West is not supposed to respond.  And if one does so, like Spencer, he was condemned for “hate speech” by the left-wing extremist group, the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Unfortunately, groups like the SPLC sometimes work with American police and other authorities in this appeasement policy.
            Recall the Muslim mass murderer, the army psychiatrist who killed fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood base in Texas.  For years Nidal Malik Hasan spewed his hateful, anti-Western views, not hiding them.  He even revealed his hatred of the West in formal speeches before other soldiers.  Why did no one alert authorities that he was an enemy?  Because to expose the anti-American venom displayed by Hasan, a soldier of the United States, to challenge him, to report him, one would become a victim of SPLC-type tyranny and be accused of bigotry, hate-speech, and punished by the army’s politically correct legal system.  No one dared to fight the politically correct, pro-Muslim policy.  Consequently, Hasan killed 12 and wounded 31.  The enemy was not only within our ranks, he was protected by a policy of appeasement.  Spencer exposed that policy 4 years before the shootings.  Too bad more people did not read Spencer’s Guide to Islam!
            Around 19 June 2011 Lance Corporal Yonathan Melaku of the Marine Reserves was arrested near the Pentagon with what some thought were explosives as well as al-Qaeda literature.  
In spring 2011 American media drooled with happiness at the Arab Spring, praising the protestors in Cairo.  On a day when President Mubarak abdicated, CBS reporter Lara Lang was beaten, raped, and nearly killed by reveling protestors.  While seizing her, many yelled, “She’s an Israeli.  She’s a Jew.  Kill her.”  They did their best to do so.  It did not matter that she was neither Israeli nor Jewish.  But she was Western.  Soon after Mubarak stepped down, attacks on Christian churches in Egypt increased, as did the killings of the Coptic Christian minority.
            Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood grows in strength, demands abrogation of the treaty with Israel, and the extermination of Jews.  Is this what freedom means to Muslims?  Spencer shows that freedom means the imposition of Sharia law by those who follow the Koran.  According to that law, no new church can be built.  The role of religious minorities was so oppressive that the Christian majorities in the Middle East, have all dwindled over centuries of persecution.  And that persecution is rising with the spring.
            President Obama praised the Arab Spring.  As sharia law spreads with that Spring, he should watch out.  According to that law, the penalty for apostasy is death.  Those who leave Islam should be killed.  Indeed, Spencer tells of a convention of Muslims who converted to Christianity in Virginia where security was high and many dared not give their real names.  They fear imposition of the death penalty by Muslims in America to enforce sharia law!  And according to some school records in Indonesia, the young Obama was listed as a Muslim.  In Western nations there are more reports of honor killings by parents or relatives, when a young gal either refuses to wear head scarves or has a boy friend who may not be Muslim. 
            When the Koran demands stoning an adultress, killing a homosexual, killing an apostate, maiming thieves, allowing the husband to beat his wives, etc. one must first observe the hatred expressed in the Koran.  One must also view the centuries of persecution experienced by minorities under Muslim nations.  The Zoroastrians of Persia, were persecuted so severely by the Muslims that many fled to India, where as Parsis, they continue as a small minority.
            Jihad is not an illusion, it is a duty commanded by the Koran.  Some say this is only spiritual.  They delude themselves and dilute Islam.  Muhammad was a spiritual leader, but he was a military leader also; a conqueror; the first to enforce sharia law. 
Also around June 23, 2011, reports emerged that Delta Airlines may now inquire to prevent flying Jewish passengers to Saudi Arabia.  Passengers who bring Bibles or wear crosses may have them confiscated upon arrival in Arabia, but will the American company, Delta, now do the probing of who is a Jew?  And bar those whom they deem Jewish on such flights?
Spencer rightly warns us of the policy of appeasement we have followed.  It is leading to the end of free speech, the end of human rights, and the end of Western values altogether.
Some demand a mosque near the old World Trade Center.  Where are the churches in Saudi Arabia?  The Koran and many Muslims demand that their religion receive preference above all others.
Spencer’s Guide to Islam has proved to be prescient.  One hopes more will read it to prevent further appeasement, further jihadist terror, further erosion of Western civilization.   

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