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Saturday, July 20, 2013


     President Obama got into the Zimmerman case again now claiming 35 years ago, he could have been Trayvon.  He has been followed in stores, etc., presumably by owners or security thinking he might be stealing something.  What Obama, Sharpton, and the other radical Black Nationalists want is the right of every Black to steal from those of other races.  Implicit in their world view is that Blacks are the victims of theft.  They did not elect to come to this country, they were kidnapped, enslaved, and forced to work for the wealth of whitey.  Now is pay back.
    The slaves imported were most often bought in Africa from Black African slave traders.  They were already slaves.  And in North America, the slaves were probably treated better than slaves who had remained in Africa.  And in the US, slavery ended.  It came at a price.  More Americans died in the Civil War, the war that would end slavery, than in most of all the American wars added together.  White blood paid for the freedom of the Blacks in the US.  (Yes, Blacks fought too, but without the whites, there would have been no freedom for the Blacks.)  Despite oppression and discrimination, American Blacks rose to be the wealthiest group of Blacks in the world.  By contrast, in parts of Africa today, there is slavery, starvation, and savagery.  The Blacks who were taken to North America experience wealth far higher than for most Africans who remained on their home continent.  AND many Blacks have chosen to come to the US!  They elected to do so because they are aware of how much better it is for them here than in their homelands.
     But Obama and the Left thinks that Blacks in the US are poor.  The wealthy are all white, especially white men.  If a Black teen wants to rob the white, the white should not resist.  Give up the money.  It was probably stolen by your ancestors anyway.  You did nothing to earn it.  Whites stole.  Give it up to the Black teen!  Do not resist.  Do not stand your ground.  Give to the hoodie, and hope he does not beat the shit our of you or kill you.  You deserve this because of your ancestors.  Pay back.  Tell the police, and they might get around to doing something about it.  But police do have higher priorities - investigating the latest hate crime hoax, etc.  If your home is burglarized by a Black teen, do nothing.  Call the police later.  File a report.
    The police already picked up the angelic Trayvon Martin, found him with jewelry stolen from a home not far, and he was carrying burglary tools.  But the police did not arrest Trayvon.  NO.  Trayvon is Black.  The police did not want to raise their stats of arrested young Black men.  That might cause trouble with the hate-whitey Dept. of Justice led by Eric Holder under Pres. Obama.  So they merely had Trayvon suspended from public school.  Police must pretend that Blacks are not involved in crime more than their percentage of the population.  If the Blacks as a group are more engaged in crime, and arrested, that means that the police are racist, according to the Left, and Holder, and Obama.  Black crime is not real; it is merely taking back.  Arresting Blacks for that is simply racist.  Standing you ground is racist.  Zimmerman is racist.  If a white - or even an Hispanic dares to say no to a Black thug, like Trayvon, he is a racist, and deserves to have his nose broken and head bashed.
    In Obama's world, Black criminals are not criminals.  They are just innocents taking back what was stolen from them hundreds of years ago.  In Obama's world, whites and Hispanics who try to protect their lives, their property, or their sacred honor, are the real criminals, the real villains, the real enemies.  They do not want to give up their property to the oppressed minority.  If they defend themselves, they must be prosecuted on flimsy evidence.  If found not guilty, they must be persecuted by the media and Eric Holder's Justice Department.  Those who try to protect themselves from young Black crooks must be destroyed.  That is the new order.
    Of course, there are honest Blacks who do not seek to rob their neighbors.  But the ideology of the Left, of Obama, has been to encourage Black racism, Black rage, Black criminality.
   It is the era of Obamoppression!  We must ignore the Black racist President.  We must stand our ground.  We must demand that police stop the Black racist mobs that roam in the summer streets of major cities.  We must restore the death penalty; real prison sentences for violent crime; we must demand real stats on crime (no more calling Hispanics white when they are perps, and classifying them as Hispanics when they are victims.)  Whites are the main victims of the crime wave that has swept America since the 1960s.  It has only grown worse under Obamoppression.
   Obama is a Black racist.  There was a reason he marched beside the leaders of the New Black Panther Party in Selma around 2007.  There was a reason his Administration dropped charges against the NBPP when it openly intimidated voters in Philadelphia in Nov. 2008.  There is a reason when Obama identifies himself with the thug Trayvon Martin and, in effect, encourages more racist mobs in the street.
          hUGH mURRAY  See my earlier piece on the Zimmerman Show Trial, for more on this case.
         HUGH MURRAY

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