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Monday, February 17, 2020


     Afew comments on current events.  Hugh Murray

     DW Deutsche Welle (shown here on PBS) had an expose today on how the Chinese government mistreats its Uighur (Muslim) population.  What they did not say - of the many who have recently died in China from the coronavirus, as far as I know, not one of those victims was a Uighur Muslim.  See the advantages China gives to its Muslims China!  Those re-education camps.  It's like you read all the anti-German propaganda, but I don't think a single Jew died of obesity at Auschwitz.
     I was told that the virus in China has reduced sales of a Mexican beer.  Which?  Dos XXs.  Or was it Pacifico Cervesa?  The story was Corona Beer, but it may not be true.  Enough jokes.
     On the serious side:
     In all the media coverage of the impeachment, I don't think one fact was mentioned.  If something happens to Trump, next in line to replace him is Vice President Mike Pence.  And if he is removed, #3 is the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.  Did you know that?  Speaker Pelosi was one of the leaders in the impeachment process.  Moreover, at the conclusion of Trump's State of the Union speech before Congress, Pelosi openly tore up the copy of the speech that Trump had given to her.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


To All,  This is a copy of an article by Ann Coulter posted on Vdare.  Michael Bloomberg was a mayor of New York City, a Republican who followed Rudi Giuliani, a Republican and Liberal Party mayor of the 1990s.  Under Demcrat David Dinkins, his predecessor, the murder rate in NYC reached at least 2,200 a year.  The crime rate for lesser crimes was also high.  Under Republicans Giuliani and Bloomberg, things changed.  Bloomberg has become a Democrat and is seeking the Democratic nomination for president to run this year against Pres. Donald Trump.  As part of his campaign, Bloomberg has apologized for some of his actions as mayor.  Enjoy the article.  Hugh Murray

Ann Coulter To Michael Bloomberg: Stop Apologizing For Saving Black Lives
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Earlier by Ann Coulter: Mass Incarceration Saved Black America
Idiot conservatives were doing the idiot thing this week, screaming “racism!” in response to an old tape of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg defending stop-and-frisk, one of the policies that drove New York City murder rates down to Mayberry levels. They weren’t being ironic.
In the 2015 tape, Bloomberg makes the blindingly obvious point that if “95% of murders and murder victims are young male minorities”—as is true in New York City—then police should be questioning about 95% young male minorities.
To stop crime, he said, you "put a lot of cops where the crime is, which means in minority neighborhoods.”
Bloomberg further explained that frisking young black and brown men for minor crimes is how you keep guns off the streets generally: “And the way you get the guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the wall and frisk them. And then they start, they say, ‘Oh, I don’t want to get caught.’ So they don't bring the gun. They still have a gun, but they leave it at home.”
Does anyone with a functioning frontal lobe disagree with this? By pursuing the wacky idea of having cops frisk kids in high-crime areas for minor offenses like turnstile jumping, Mayor Rudy Giuliani cut the murder rate from more than 2,000 per year to about 600. No one thought it could possibly go any lower—and then Bloomberg got murders down to an unfathomable 300 or so per year.
Giuliani and Bloomberg did more for young minorities than all living Democrats combined. In New York City alone, at least 20,000 more black men are alive today than would be under the genius crime-fighting ideas of prior administrations (and The New York Times).
Unless liberal elites are pursuing a secret plan to reduce the black population by allowing young black men to kill one another (that would make a great movie by Jordan Peele!), stop-and-frisk is nothing to apologize for.
Well, guess what? Bloomberg apologized for it. He began his presidential campaign with a repudiation of his signature accomplishment in order to please a handful of black activists and a lot of white liberals. For that, he deserves the contempt of all men of good will.
Why not attack him for the gutless apology? Is Bloomberg sorry for saving so many black lives? Does becoming a Democrat make basic math incomprehensible? Is he a pandering coward? Can we trust anything he says?
But small-bore conservatives did what they always do: Give up winning a war in order to land a quick blow in a skirmish. They called Bloomberg’s earlier, logically insuperable point “RACIST!”
Great, so now conservatives are adopting the absolute worst aspect of liberalism—calling everything “racist."
As I wrote in 2016, when the media were going through their quadrennial demand that the Republican candidate for president “disavow” David Duke, these “racism” orgies never have anything to do with black people. It’s part of the Fabulous White People competition, where black people are the chips.
If anything, the urge to call other people "racist" has only gotten stronger since then, so I'll quote myself:
“Sad people with meaningless lives [are] suddenly empowered to condemn other people. I beat you in blacks yesterday; I'm going to beat you in women today. This is what makes them feel superior to other people, especially other white people. It's not about racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.; it's just a self-actualization movement for people with emotional issues."
Why are conservatives leaping into this game? For the teeny-tiny pleasure of taking a cheap shot at Bloomberg, they are endorsing the idea that anyone who 1) grasps basic math and 2) is opposed to gun crime is a “racist.”
Our entire public dialogue will soon be nothing but white people calling one another “racist,” as if we’re trapped in an eternal Democratic presidential debate.
At the New Hampshire debate last Friday night, Tom Steyer—hedge fund manager and Hero to Black People Everywhere—kept hammering Joe Biden about some “racist” remark made by South Carolina State Sen. Dick Harpootlian, a Biden supporter.
“One of the leaders of Joe Biden’s South Carolina campaign,” Steyer said, “made racist remarks about someone associated with our campaign.” Steyer then repeatedly called on Biden to “disavow” the remark and the man who made it. “Be on the right side,” he implored.
The story: Harpootlian had tweeted that another South Carolina Democrat, state legislator Jerry Govan, flipped his support from Biden to Steyer after being paid “almost $50,000” by the Steyer campaign. Calling Steyer “Mr. Moneybags,” Harpootlian concluded, “This is what happens when billionaires get involved ... They don't have to persuade anybody, they just buy them."
I’ve assembled a panel of black judges to rule on Harpootlian’s racism, and their response is: Keep reading. Get to the racism part.
Nope, that’s it! Govan is black, so pointing out that Steyer paid him $50,000 and got his endorsement is “racist.”
I would have gone with “anti-Semitic” myself, but what do I know? I guess I’ll check with the conservative “racism” fighters!

Thursday, February 6, 2020


            by Hugh Murray
 In November 1948 a beaming Harry Truman had a photo taken of him hold the conservative Republican newspaper, the Chicago Tribune with that day's p. 1 headline: 'Dewey Wins!"  The Republicans, who had won a smashing victory in the off-year elections of 1946, took control of the House and Senate, and everyone expected them to handily win in 1948.  Dewey had run against Franklin Roosevelt in 1944 for his 4th term.  Though he was older and some suspected he was ill, FDR's doctors lied and assured the public he was ok.  WWII was still going on in Europe and in the Pacific, and most Americans thought it wiser not to change horses in the middles of a stream.  FDR won, but Dewey came closer than any of his other opponents.  And in 1948 Truman was no FDR.  The Republicans came up with the dream team, the Gov. of New York, Tom Dewey and the Gov. of California, Earl Warren.  Worse, the Democrats were not like the usual Democrats that year.  When a civil rights plank was proposed at the convention, several Southern states' delegations withdrew and formed their own convention and party, the States' Rights Democratic Party (often called the Dixiecrats).  Storm Thurmond of South Carolina would lead their efforts.  While they found Truman too left-wing, the left-wing Democrats also formed their own party, the Progressive Party.  FDR's Vice President prior to Truman was a man from Iowa, Henry Wallace, and and Wallace would lead this new Prog. Party.  For his VP, Sen. Glenn Taylor a guitar playing Democrat from Idaho would run.  Former football player All-American from Rutgers, Paul Robeson would be campaign manager.  Robeson's baritone voice and muscular physique had led him to star in several British film, and sing "Old Man River" in the 1930s MGM "Show Boat."  In the 1940s, playing Othello on Broadway to a white Desdemona, which set records for a Shakespearean production on Broadway.This Progressive Party had the support of many CIO unions, left wing organizations, AND it stimulated a civil rights movement in the South.  For example, when Sen. Taylor went to Birmingham to address the Southern Negro Youth Congress (the first Snick, before the Students Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee of 1960), Taylor was arrested by Bull Connor for entering the Negro entrance of the building.  Wallace himself, who refused to address segregated audiences, was sometimes met with eggs or tomatoes.  In addition to unions and civil rights activists, the Progressives were also endorsed by the American Communist Party (and therefore these early civil rights efforts are not discussed in the academedia complex).  Meanwhile, the States Righters, prevented Truman from getting on the ballot in Alabama - if you voted Democrat in that state you voted for Thurmond.  The SRP tried to kick Truman off the ballot in Louisiana too, but Earl Long, a maverick, was governor, and made it easier for Truman and Wallace to gain a place on the ballot, though Thurmond carried the state.  Despite the divisions in the Democratic Party, despite the polls and the pundits, Harry Truman fooled everyone when he won.
      Today, Pres. Trump proudly displayed the first page of the hostile Washington Post: "Trump Acquitted!"  The liberal media emphasized the role of Sen. Mitt Romney, Republican, who voted to convict and remove Trump from office on one of the 2 counts submitted to the Senate by the Democratic House of Representatives.  The vote seemed so close - on one count 53 to 47, on the other 52 to 48.  BUT IT WAS NOT CLOSE AT ALL.  TO CONVICT AND REMOVE TRUMP 67 SENATORS MUST VOTE IN FAVOR.  So even the high mark of the impeachment group of 48 is far short of the 67 votes required to convict Trump.
      Trump was acquitted by an overwhelming vote, as our great President should be.