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Saturday, July 6, 2024



                            by Hugh Murray

    Recall the political party primaries of 2020. About 13 Democratic candidates debated on the stage, so many, that they had only a few answers to make an impression on the national tv audience. Most were in the mainstream Democratic party general positions, though one, a Congresswoman from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, seemed much more conservative than the rest. Former California Atty. General went after former Vice President Joe Biden, calling him a racist for his earlier comments when school integration was to come to Delaware. Biden, former VP under Democratic President Obama, was generally a known figure to most of America, having served 8 years nationally, and for many years prior as a Senator from Delaware.

    The first of the contests was the primaries was the iowa caucuses. The system is complex, but the early returns showed Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont first, Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of West Bend, IN, 2nd, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren 3rd, and former VP Joe Biden 4th, followed by Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, and wealthy business man Andrew Yang. Though the voting was on 3 February, and an “official” result was finally announced on 19 February with the Nuttigieg and Sanders forces disputing the new count giving the Mayor first place. The electoral dispute did not conclude then, but continued into the Democratic convention that summer. I wonder if they are still recounting the 2020 Democratic caucus votes. Yet, the Democrats maintain the if you dare question the election results of November 2020, you might have your license to practice law revoked as was former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

I quote now from the Wikipedia discussion of the Democratic primaries: “

The first primary was marred by controversy, as technical issues with vote reporting resulted in a three-day delay in vote counting in the Iowa caucus, as well as subsequent recounts. The certified results of the caucus eventually showed Mayor Pete Buttigieg winning the most delegates, while Senator Bernie Sanders won the popular vote in the state. Sanders then won the New Hampshire primary in a narrow victory over Buttigieg before handily winning the Nevada caucus, solidifying Sanders' status as the front-runner for the nomination.[4][5]

Biden, whose campaign fortunes had suffered from losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, made a comeback by overwhelmingly winning the South Carolina primary, motivated by strong support from African American voters, an endorsement from South Carolina U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn, as well as Democratic establishment concerns about nominating Sanders.[6] After Biden won South Carolina, and one day before the Super Tuesday primaries, several candidates dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden in what was viewed as a consolidation of the party's moderate wing. Prior to the announcement, polling saw Sanders leading with a plurality in most Super Tuesday states.[7] Biden then won 10 out of 15 contests on Super Tuesday, beating back challenges from Sanders, Warren, and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, solidifying his lead.[7]

        My point – the real leaders of the Democratic Party did not like the early results of the primaries. Sanders and Warren were considered too radical. Buttigieg was gay, and would have trouble with many voters choosing a President. Kolbuchar's personality was not friendly. Voters would not choose wealthy Yang or Bloomberg. I suspect after Biden's poor showing in the earlier primaries, the real Democrat leaders conferred with SC Representative Clyburn urging a big get-out-the-vote effort for Biden in that state's primary. Even so, Biden received only 49%, Sanders 20%, wealthy businessman Tom Steyer 11%, Buttigieg 8%, and Warren 7%. This was the first primary with a significan black vote, and it went for Biden. I suspect that at this point the Democratic donors and power types (former Pres. Obama or his representative, and some others got together before Super Tuesday, telling most to get out of the way of a Biden victory. The day before Super Tuesday Buttigieg and Kolbuchar withdrew, and donor funds were undoubtedly drying up too. No more debates of 13 or more candidates. I would be between Biden and Sanders mainly. And Biden with the “moderate” message won. The Democratic primary voters followed the will of their behind the scenes leaders, and voted for Biden delegates on Super Tuesday and beyond. By the opening of the Democratic convention, Biden had won 19 million Democratic votes, Sanders 9.7, and Warren 2.8. Biden was the choice of the Democrats, but ONLY AFTER the behind the scene leaders had decided to pick Biden. The other candidates suddenly found no more wind behind their sails and no more money in their coffers.  They chose to bow out of the race for President.  Because the bosses had chosen Biden first.

    In the modern world we think that the era of Boss Tweed, or the big shots in the smoke-filled rooms making all the important political decisions is over.  Well, the rooms may no longer be smoke-filled.  Or if so, with a different kind of smoke.  Or it may be a zoom "room."  Possible players in these decisions, former Speaker Pelosi, the Obamas, the Clintons, Senate leader Schumer, Clyburn, and now Dem. House leader Jeffries.  And a few billionaires.  They are the ones who make the big decisions, Biden in 2020, should we replace him in 2024, if so, with whom?  They make the decisions.  They are the Party Bosses.  We simply ratify their decisions, or not.

    Now in June/July 2024 the behind the scenes leaders of the Democrats may be deciding they no longer need or want Biden. The NY Times questioning his mental ability; the strange early scheduling of a debate with Trump in June (suspecting Biden would do what he did), and now further calls for Biden to go. Is it the people who decide this? How democratic is the Democratic Party??? We shall find out as the campaign unfolds.  I suspect the attitude of the power-brokers of the Democratic Party is simply this:  We put Biden on the ticket in 2020, and we can take him out in 2024, and anyone else who stands in the way.

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