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Sunday, April 28, 2024


        On 13 April 2024, Steve Bannon's "War Room" Saturday morning session was devoted to the 3 Coups in recent American history.  The first was a discussion of a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, by David W. Mantik M.D., Ph.D. (Author), Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D. (Author), Introduction by Douglas P. Horne.  Bannon's guest for the first half hour of the program was one of the authors, Dr. Corsi.  He contended that using the latest methods to re-examine the evidence of John Kennedy's head, there was little doubt that an autopsy preceded the official one, and alterations were made by physicians to make it appear as if all shots came from behind.  If front shots were admitted, there there must have been a conspiracy, and the Bethesda doctors did not want that conclusion to be obvious to the American public.  So there was a conspiracy to assassinate Pres. John Kennedy, and one to cover it up.  This was the first coup discussed on Bannon's program.  

                 The 2nd coup was related to another new book, The Truth About Watergate: A Tale of Extraordinary Lies & Liars, by Nick Bryant.  The author was guest on Bannon's 2nd half hour.  Bryant argued that the release  of papers of many involved in the Watergate scandals in recent years prove that the Watergate law-suits and convictions of men connected to the Nixon White House, eventually isolated the President and caused him to resign.  More important, Bryant found considerable collusion between prosecutors, judges, and the media.  Bannon declared this was a prelude to the lawfare that we witness against former Pres. Trump today.

           The 3rd coup is the lawfare against Trump.  The Bannon program was fascinating and thought-provoking.   However, I would disagree with his choice of words, for I think it distorts.  In the Watergate burglary, one name stood out in my mind - E. Howard Hunt.  He had already been discussed as a possible member of the conspiracy to murder John Kennedy.  If Hunt was now working for the White House, it raised a sinister cloud around Nixon,  While the coup against Kennedy undoubtedly included military, CIA, J. Edgar Hoover, Vice President Johnson and others, this crowd was quite happy with Nixon in office.  What happened against Nixon was a counter-coup, those fearful of the elements round Nixon, some of whom may have acted in the first coup.  The counter coup against Nixon would include liberals generally, which meant academia, the media, and enough prosecutors and judges to sway the public that there was something wrong at the heart of the Nixon Presidency.  With enough popular support for his ouster, Nixon caved and resigned.

              The 3rd, and on-going coup against Trump is different.  The military is  no longer what it was in the days of Curtiss Le May, and the CIA, FBI and other agency heads are now good liberals or further to the left.  For example, former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, voted in the 1876 Presidential election for Gus Hall, candidate of the Communist Party, USA.  Many newer leaders of intelligence and military groups were now globalists, looking with disdain at the provincial views of their predecessors.  The coup against Trump began before he entered the White House in 2016, when the FBI interviewed Gen. Flynn in order to entrap him, and prevent Trump's designated appointee for intelligence, to be appointed.  Flynn's career was derailed so he could never take office and fire many of the new globalist liberal agency heads.  Members of the FBI also used fabricated stories accusing Trump of Russian collusion, using FISA courts, and then a Special Prosecutor to promote this well-publicized accusation during half of Trump's first term in order to sabotage his Presidency.  As Trump ran for office again in 2020, this time against former VP Joe Biden, in October just before the election, the NY Post released the story of the Hunter Biden lap-top, drug dealing, corruption with his dad, and all the other details with photos; immediately 51 leaders of our intelligence agencies declared the lap-top was Russian disinformation!  Without studying it - they signed this statement, this lie, just because they wanted to prevent Trump from winning a 2nd term.  This coup, still going on as lawfare, includes the liberals, the globalists, the endless war crowd, and the replace Americans in America with a more docile new immigrant population.  In November 2024, we shall see if America continues as an independent nation, or a satellite of international organizations, dominated by China and the other dictatorships.  The choice is ours!

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