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Tuesday, October 8, 2024


    On Saturday May 5, 2024, former Pres. Donald Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania to hold a massive rally - a return to the scene where a young man ended the earlier rally by shooting Trump in the ear, and nearly hitting his head.  By an inch or so, the assassin failed in his task.  Trump rose from the deck to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT  again.  Unfortunately, a man was killed and some injured.

    I thought the rally would begin at 1 CST, and found a tv station carrying the proceedings.  It became obvious, even though the crowd was already massive, this was the warm up, and Trump would not appear for 4 more hours.  I did other things and would glance at the tv while waiting.  I only saw Elon Musk for a short time.  What was he doing?  Jumping around on the stage?  Was he trying to imitate Tim Walz, Kamala's VP running mate, who always seems to be auditioning for a cheerleader role for a football team.  Then Musk made some short, powerful statements.  If Trump does not win, it will be the last free election in America.  Freedom is the issue of this election, and freedom will end with a Democratic Party victory.  Enforcing Musk's judgement, the day or so preceding, Hillary Clinton announced that we need censorship to prevent disinformation in the election.  Of course, Clinton and the Democrats know that disinformation is any story that conflicts with the official liberal Democratic pronouncement of truth.  Lee Oswald, a lone nut, shot and killed JFK from the 6th floor building. Etc. down through the decades, just ask Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, down the decades to David Muir.  Deviation from them, from the NYT, Washington Post, the Atlantic, and that becomes the definition of disinformation.  Big tech can check for sure with the CIA and other agencies.  So we will know that any Hunter Biden laptop exposing Biden corruption must be disinformation.

   The rally continued when Trump arrived to a joyous welcome.  He gave his usual stump Trump speech, which includes humor and policy analysis, homage to the dead and wounded at the previous rally, and closing as usual, with the We will make America .... again." chants.

    Why was Musk there?  Musk is NOT an American by birth.  Why is he not in his homeland?

    The answer - I recall seeing a news film of a huge political rally in South Africa. in a stadium.  They were promoting the Economic Freedom Fighters Party led by Julius Malema, and he was there, center stage in the stadium, leadeing the large crowd in a simple song: "Kille the Boer, kill the white,"  The words are repeated a number of times, and then the chorus of rat, tat, tat, tat, tat, as he holds a rifle in his arm, and uses his voice to immitate the weapon shooting whites.  Naturally, the American mass media, infected with sociological non-sense that blacks cannot be racists, must ignore such obvious examples of virulent racism, for it knocks the absurd liberal social science theories into the trash can.  In the latest election, the AFC, the African National Congress lost its majority which it held since 1990 and now rules in coalition.  The EFF lost votes too, dropping from 10.8% to 9.5%.  But how safe would you feel if you were a white South African, and you knew 10% of the population favors putting a bullet in you?  And, by the way, white farmers are often murdered, often with their families.  The murder rate for all is among the highest in the world in South Africa.  The electric grid is grinding down, so black and brown outs are common.  It's once proud airline now sits mainly on the ground.  Train service deteriorates.  Now even tap water is failing in some large cities.  Their equivalent of affirmative action since the ANC came to power has brought many blacks into  jobs, but apparently now, jobs for which they were utterly unqualified.  Infrastructure decays.  Even hospitals have blackouts of electricity.  Crime.  A decaying society. The only possible role for Musk at the EFF rally would have been as target practice.

     Would Elon Musk have a future in South Africa?  Would any white?  And is South Africa America's future?  Kamala Harris has trouble enunciating her program, because hers is a radical program.  The internet calls the program of the EFF a socialist program.  That is like calling the Nazi program a socialist program.  Nazi stood for National Socialist German Workers Party, so socialism was part of it.  And that may be true of the EFF.  But both were virulent racist parties.  Many are reluctant to call blacks racists, even when individuals admit the do the knock out game to get back at whites, others get the money, or the phone, or the tv set from whitey.  And the excuse their racist crime and thievery as getting it back, just as the Nazis justified their dispossession of the Jews. That is not merely criminal minds, it is criminal racist minds excusing their criminality.  The Democratic Party and its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion had pushed Harvard and other posh universities to hire presidents BECAUSE they were blacks, some black women, some men.  The woman at Harvard had published little, AND she had plagiarized.  No white or Asian would have even been considered for the post with similar weak credentials.  But under DEI who cares about qualifications - with DEI the only real qualifications are race and sex.  The unacknowledged slogan of affirmative action is "Never Hire the Best Qualified Candidate" for the job.  How else did Kamala become Vice President?  How else could she become President?

      Is the future of America a crumbling, crime-ridden, chaotic South Africa?  Musk realizes that a Kamala victory means an American future as another South Africa.  Already in decline, we will quickly decay under Kamala and the Democrats - with their green power unable to provide enough energy, black and brown outs reducing industrial productivity, and interfering with our personal lives, disruptions and injuries when the electricity goes off, more DEI hires, more crime, more criminals back on the street, and millions more illegal aliens getting welfare, etc.

     Trump is not perfect, and I am sure Musk and Robert Kennedy, Jr., disagree with him on some important points - as do I.  But Trump has courage.  He knows there are elements IN THE GOVERNMENT bureaucracies who reject the views of the people, who do not want free speech, who do not want parents to have a voice in public schools, who want ever-more no win wars that keep the munition industries thriving, the big phara groups, the Dr. Fauci medicatator types, they do not trust the people of the US.  This is why Hillary demands censorship, as do the liberals who want to ban "disinformation.  They fear free speech, because they fear free men, free women, a free American people.  The only way to provide continued freedom for future Americans is to vote for Donald Trump, his human flaws will be forgiven if he IS ALLOWED TO SAVE AMERICA.

Monday, October 7, 2024


 Newser had a piece on foreign intelligence threatening our elections.  He is my response.  Hugh Murray

Be real, the problem of intelligence agencies trying to influence US elections - the main problem is the American intelligence agencies whose leadership is wedded to the Democratic Party. The best example, in Oct. 2020, soon before the Noveber election between Biden and Trump, the NY Post exposed the Hunter Biden laptop story with the clear exposure of Hunter's corruption, and the implied corruption of Joe Biden. Blinken, then a Dem. operative, contacted some friends in intel agencies, and soon 51 leading American intelligence agents, without ever examining Hunter's laptop, were declaring it Russian disinformation and urging big tech to suppress the NY Post story. Big tech and the big networks promptly dismissed the allegations against the Bidens as conspiracy theories, Russian disinformation. So a very important story on Biden corruption was suppressed because US intel decided it wanted Biden to win. Just like tonight on ABC nightly news with Muir, who warned Americans about conspiracy theories re FEMA and hurricane victims. The conspiracy is of course different from Muir's version. The conspiracy was of the Biden Dems to move funding in FEMA from money to help American victims of emergencies, tornados, fires, hurricanes, etc., and instead vast FEMA sums on transporting foreigners to various American town, paying for their hotels, their hospital stays, their food, etc. Because FEMA had spent so much on the invaders, little is left for American victims of storms. The American intel agencies, and the big American media are allied to the Dems, that is the source of disinformation in the media.

Bottom Line - Democrats seem to favor foreign migrants to American citizens.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 This will be s short post - THEY BOTH WON.  Tonight I saw Gov. Tim Walz, not trying out to join the football cheerleaders squad, but as an honest, intelligent man groping for political answers that might work.  I did not agree with most of his positions, but I grew to respect the man who is running on a major ticket, and who might become President.  He agreed with Vance on various points, and his nodding head indicated this even before he spoke.  Walz seemed sensible, warm. caring, human.

J.D. Vance, Ohio Senator had raised my ire on several issues already - lying about Haitians eating pets in Springfield, proposing additional votes for those with children, and maintaining that those without children had no stake in the nation, to name a few.  But instead of the belligerent bull dog in a china shop, Vance made his points but agreed when he could with Vance.  They both saw similar problems, and at times seemed to suggest similar proposals to solve them.  He would nod his head in agreement while Walz spoke, too.  It seemed quite friendly.

The moderators were two CBS news leaders, Nora O'Donnell, who anchors the nightly news, and Margaret Brennan who hosts the Sunday morning show Face the Nation.  Both one may assume are liberals, and Nora's nightly news will go out of its way to spotlight female achievement, and often ignore that of men.  Before the debate, I wondered if they might unleash cats to attack Vance because of his remarks about some women not having children and wanting cats.  Would they make cats screech into the microphone when Vance spoke?  Happily, the women did not bring felines.  But they did help the Democrat by not asking about the unending wars and threats of wars under Biden, compared to the relative peace under Trump.  The women seem to agree with Nance Pelosi that it is treason to question the results of the 2020 election.  And they and Walz seem to prefer censorship, denial of free speech, to even question the legitimacy of Joe Biden's election in 2020.  Happily, neither "moderator" is on the ballot.

I now have a more favorable opinion of both Vance and Walz, and that is comforting as either could beome a US President.        Hugh Murray

A friend read my email version of this blog, and did not like it.  Here is his criticism:

I didn't watch the debate but saw a few highlights afterwards.

I heard Walz say very passionately that he wanted censorship of hate speech. Beware! You'd be in jail for a long time under president/ vice president Waltz just for writing your blog!!! His personality hardly matters. Policies on the other hand do, a lot. 
There goes your First amendment.
Then he said, the problem is not mental health rather the guns.
There goes the Second amendment

When asked about Walz lying about being in Tiananmen square during the massacre, he said that he "grew up in a small town with 400 people where he rode his bicycle and was proud of the service". huh... what?
He wouldn't answer questions from Vance about their abortion bill on punishment for doctors who do not care for the baby which survives an abortion attempt, and did an awful job of providing a non answer.
There were a few more clips of Walz evading questions that I saw which left me in bad taste. The Dems care about shredding the constitution into pieces and taking away the last few rights that people still have. 
Vance pandered about being raised by a single mother and grandmother, medical bills blah blah as well but at least his policy positions were solid.
I'm very surprised you bought into this charade. It makes me very worried for the future.