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Saturday, May 18, 2024


ONE DAY (Friday 18 May 2024) by Hugh Murray

   Today I was up early (how I hate that, because mostly I go to bed at 2am or a little alter.  Because I had a doctor's appointment I went to bed a little earlier, 1:45am.  Up at 7, got to the doc's office by 9:45.  I have to go about every 6 weeks to receive an injection in my right eyeball.  I had an aneurism inside the eyeball several years ago and the vein can flare up and distort vision greatly.  The shot seems to keep it smaller.  They must numb the eyeball first, and that will last up to 2 hours.  After, the eye begins to run, and it affects the right sinus, so then my right nostril runs.  I use a kleenex on my eye, then on my nose, then on my eye then on...This can go on for hours so forget about reading or doing anything on these shot days.

   It was a beauriful sunny day, but I had brought a removable sunglass attachment that fits on my regular glasses, because walking in the sun hurts my eyes on such days.  I planned to go to the supermarket while the eye was still numbed.  From home to doc's, to supermarket 2 miles, and from supermarket to return home, another 2 miles.  I was there and back weekly with my groceries.

     With warm weather, I wanted to buy some cheap sodas.  In my neighborhood a 2-liter 7-Up is $3.20 or so, but Kroger had 4 2-liter sodas for $5.    The problem, each bottle is slightly over 4 pounds weight.  Bought a half-price pastry, and 4 2liter bottles of Kroger diet lemon soda (7 Up) and Kroger Diet Soda.  Decades ago I would walk home with 3 such bottles in one hand, and the groceries in another, but have  not done that in years.  Am I up to it?  Put 3 in plastic bag in my right hand, one and the pastry in the left. Sun glass to protect my eye.  Gloves were not used so much weight, and my fingers were hurting.  Half way, at Red Arrow Park, sat on a bench. moved 1 bottle from my right hand bag and placed it in my rucksack (backpack), drank a swig or 2 of water, and moved on.  On Wells Street, across from the Milw Public Library, had to stop under a tree, and rest a minute.  Then made it back home.  Normally, I do not stop at all but normally I am not carrying so many liquids.  Age makes a difference.

     Home sweaty home, by 1:30pm.  Took off most sweaty clothing, AND for first time this year, opened a window a few inches.  Eye was tearing, so rather than sit around with klenex all afternoon, took 2 aspirin and some water, and slept till 5;30.  Rather than a big meal, decided on soup and toast with butter.  Kroger vege beef soup on the fire, 2 slices of toast in the toaster, butter in microwave at 9 seconds to soften it.  Plugged it in, and it blew a fuse or something in the micro.  And it's almost new, I bought it in 2009 (or earlier).

    Ate half the soup and the toast/butter, and some pudding to which I added cottage cheese, and for a final snack, pretzels for salt. especially after sweating so much.  I can watch tv, but not too much computer as the brighter light annoys my eyes after the shot.
     I made it through another day.  When you get to be 85, that is an accomplishment.   Hugh  

Saturday, May 11, 2024


 Socrates, condemned to death by the people of his city.  Friends worked to help, and suddenly he had a  choice, a chance to run away.  Socrates is by now old, and rather than run, chooses to stay and drink the prescribed hemlock.  He assured his students that he is more than a physical body, and his ideas will live on.  But he did have a choice.  Was this suicide?

Young woman, pregnant, boyfriend does not want it, pressure to abort; parents against. she is confused. Her boyfriend, angry, nasty, why doesn't she get the operation?  Slams the door, gone.  She cries.  Looks at her phone, takes many sleeping pills.  Looks at her phone again, decides to call her mom, lifts her phone, it slips from her fingers.  She never wakens.  Is this suicide?

Jesus brought before Jewish high priests, accused of blasphemy, he clams to be a Messiah, healed on the sabbath, drove demons from a woman, causes confusion among the faithful.  Jesus now  puts upa poor and no defense, mainly silent, or retorts, You have said it, with their own accusation.  Next day, brought before Pilate, the Roman governor.  Again the accused is silent.  The people demand the death penalty.  The verdict is carried out, and Jesus is crucified, along with 2 others.  He dies on the cross.  According to many Christians, Jesus was the Son of God, with powers of God.  If he had the power to stop the crucifixion, and did not do so, was this a suicide?

I have lived a long life, and have crossed many bridges.  I have also burnt my bridges behind me.  Now, when things go awry, I no longer have a bridge to jump from.       Perhaps, this is a good thing.

After the crucifixions of the 3, the body of Jesus was taken to the large tomb of a wealthy sympathizer.  There were other caskets in the large tomb some relatives of the gentleman, some from before he purchased it.  To protect them all, when finishing the process of the body, a large stone was placed to close the tomb. and night had already fallen.  A few followers of the heretic, mainly women arrived outside the tomb, and prayed.  The dark clouds of the day had blown away, and the moon shone brightly above the deserted area.  All was quiet.  Suddenly, some thought they heard, like a stone or something quite heavy move.  One woman praying; gasped, and others woke.  Now they all heard more movement.  Then they saw, a hand now outside engaged in pushing the huge stone aside.  The heartbeats of the followers were racing, and their faces filled with amazement.  Then one man shouted - NO! And began to run away.  Soon, all were following the man running, some almost tripping with their garments.  The man who emerged from the tomb was surprised, and wondered, were they expecting me?  Why did they run?  I am back, Drac, he coughed to get some of the dust from his throat, as he'd been asleep for a decade.  He thought, I must go hunting soon to quench my thirst before the sunrise.

This is my homage to E,C. comic books that I read as child/young teen.  They were sometimes, mere ok, but sometimes quite thought provoking.----HUGH MURRAY

Another anecdote.  It was about my first year at Tulane U. and I was in a class studying the German language.  Our professor, U. Fehlau, was discussing Goethe's Faust, the Prolog as I recall, where God and the Devis converse.  At some point, God laughs.  Fehlau then remarked, how unusual, for we never think of God laughing.  I then blurted out for all to hear, that is so we can distinguish Him from Santa Claus.  The professor began to breathe heavily, and said slowly, Mr. Murray.

In my junior year, probably around spring 1959, I entered the university oratory contest.  My title, "Look Not to Outer Space."  I discussed some recent films in which world peace was brought about either by the good advice of friendly visitors from other worlds, or earthlings united to fight hostile invaders from outer space.  My point was if we earthlings were to have peace, we would have to work for it ourselves, and not count on aid from other planets on from the heavens.  I won the gold medal.  I may have been ahead in the notty trend, which reached its crescendo during John Kennedy's 1961 inauguration, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

Sunday, April 28, 2024


        On 13 April 2024, Steve Bannon's "War Room" Saturday morning session was devoted to the 3 Coups in recent American history.  The first was a discussion of a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear, by David W. Mantik M.D., Ph.D. (Author), Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D. (Author), Introduction by Douglas P. Horne.  Bannon's guest for the first half hour of the program was one of the authors, Dr. Corsi.  He contended that using the latest methods to re-examine the evidence of John Kennedy's head, there was little doubt that an autopsy preceded the official one, and alterations were made by physicians to make it appear as if all shots came from behind.  If front shots were admitted, there there must have been a conspiracy, and the Bethesda doctors did not want that conclusion to be obvious to the American public.  So there was a conspiracy to assassinate Pres. John Kennedy, and one to cover it up.  This was the first coup discussed on Bannon's program.  

                 The 2nd coup was related to another new book, The Truth About Watergate: A Tale of Extraordinary Lies & Liars, by Nick Bryant.  The author was guest on Bannon's 2nd half hour.  Bryant argued that the release  of papers of many involved in the Watergate scandals in recent years prove that the Watergate law-suits and convictions of men connected to the Nixon White House, eventually isolated the President and caused him to resign.  More important, Bryant found considerable collusion between prosecutors, judges, and the media.  Bannon declared this was a prelude to the lawfare that we witness against former Pres. Trump today.

           The 3rd coup is the lawfare against Trump.  The Bannon program was fascinating and thought-provoking.   However, I would disagree with his choice of words, for I think it distorts.  In the Watergate burglary, one name stood out in my mind - E. Howard Hunt.  He had already been discussed as a possible member of the conspiracy to murder John Kennedy.  If Hunt was now working for the White House, it raised a sinister cloud around Nixon,  While the coup against Kennedy undoubtedly included military, CIA, J. Edgar Hoover, Vice President Johnson and others, this crowd was quite happy with Nixon in office.  What happened against Nixon was a counter-coup, those fearful of the elements round Nixon, some of whom may have acted in the first coup.  The counter coup against Nixon would include liberals generally, which meant academia, the media, and enough prosecutors and judges to sway the public that there was something wrong at the heart of the Nixon Presidency.  With enough popular support for his ouster, Nixon caved and resigned.

              The 3rd, and on-going coup against Trump is different.  The military is  no longer what it was in the days of Curtiss Le May, and the CIA, FBI and other agency heads are now good liberals or further to the left.  For example, former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, voted in the 1876 Presidential election for Gus Hall, candidate of the Communist Party, USA.  Many newer leaders of intelligence and military groups were now globalists, looking with disdain at the provincial views of their predecessors.  The coup against Trump began before he entered the White House in 2016, when the FBI interviewed Gen. Flynn in order to entrap him, and prevent Trump's designated appointee for intelligence, to be appointed.  Flynn's career was derailed so he could never take office and fire many of the new globalist liberal agency heads.  Members of the FBI also used fabricated stories accusing Trump of Russian collusion, using FISA courts, and then a Special Prosecutor to promote this well-publicized accusation during half of Trump's first term in order to sabotage his Presidency.  As Trump ran for office again in 2020, this time against former VP Joe Biden, in October just before the election, the NY Post released the story of the Hunter Biden lap-top, drug dealing, corruption with his dad, and all the other details with photos; immediately 51 leaders of our intelligence agencies declared the lap-top was Russian disinformation!  Without studying it - they signed this statement, this lie, just because they wanted to prevent Trump from winning a 2nd term.  This coup, still going on as lawfare, includes the liberals, the globalists, the endless war crowd, and the replace Americans in America with a more docile new immigrant population.  In November 2024, we shall see if America continues as an independent nation, or a satellite of international organizations, dominated by China and the other dictatorships.  The choice is ours!

Friday, April 26, 2024


 Newser reports that after a 2 decade hiatus, former CBS anchor of its nightly newscast, Dan Rather, will return to the network on a Sunday morning program.  He had been caught in using questionable documents to challenge the accuracy of George Bush's service in the National Guard.  I know little of that controversy, and say nothing about that.  However, what about Rather's other reportage?  Below is the comment which I just left on the Newser comment site.  Hugh Murray

Dan reported what the govt wanted. He was one of the first to meet with Zapruder and watch the film of the assassination, and Rather assured his TV audience that JFK's head went forward due to the shot to his head coming from behind. A new book by Mantik and Corsi confirms that the head shots came from the front, and that is why Jackie had to pick up a piece of her husband's brains from the back of the limo. It took the brave NO DA, Jim Garrison,  to show the by then hidden Zapruder film to a court room in New Orleans to show JFK's head moves backward, confirming the Parkland Hospital accounts that the throat wound and perhaps other wounds came from the front.

Rather reported what the govt wanted, and would readily lie to achieve its ends. US agencies worked with many reporters during the Cold War. Was Rather one, too? Rather, like the other major anchors, all promoted the Lee Oswald, lone assassin, fantasy.

And to bring that story up-to-date, during this past week at one  of the trials of former President Trump, we learn that the editor of the National Enquirer, a friend of Mr. Trump, paid some women for their stories of sex with Trump, paid big figures by the way, and then the stories were not published at all, killed, so few would hear about the claims (whether true of false).  Some probably see this as proof of Trump's guilt of something.  Or not?

Back to Dan Rather - he was one of the first to contact Zapruder, the only person in Dealy Plaza filming the motorcade when the shots rang out.  Rather reported Kennedy's head went forward during the fatal shot(s).  As I recall, the film was purchased by Time Corp. and printed in its sister picture magazine, Life.  If I recall correctly, some of the pictures were printed out of order.  This was not detected immediately, but only after people began to question the official version of the assassination.  But after that, the Zapruder film was not shown, not on the CBS, NBC, or ABC news programs.  It was like one of the stories of the women who wanted $ from Trump.  Their stories had been killed; and so had the Zapruder film.  A few illicit copies seem to have gotten out.  The first showing of the Zapruder film, real or illicit, was that shown in court by DA Jim Garrison in New Orleans during the trial of Clay Shaw.  News reporters from all over the world were covering the trial and could see the film that had been killed so the American people could not see it.  And what did they see?  Kennedy's head may have moved slightly forward, but for the fatal shot(s), Kennedy's head was thrust backward.  This is why Jackie Kennedy had to crawl atop the back trunk to scoop up some of her husband's brain - rather than her going forward to find remnants of JFK.  Did Rather lie to the American people about the film?  Because the Zapruder film showed Kennedy's head thrusting backwards, is this why it disappeared from tv until the Garrison trial?  I suspect that many of the people who decry the suppression of the stories of the women who accuse Trump, are also those who would support the govt suppression of the Zapruder film, achieved indirectly through Time, as later done indirectly through Mr Pecker at National Enquirer.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


      The mis-named Democratic Party is already planning to undermine a fair election this November. Their Attorneys General often try to kick Trump of the ballot, as if he had been an official in the Confederate government. In 2020 the Dems had their special lawyers kick the Green Party and Kanye West off the ballot in swing states. Now they will do every trick possible to prevent Kennedy Jr. from getting on the ballot, especially in swing states. So the Democratic Party works to keep Trump off the ballot, keep Kennedy, Jr. off the ballot, keep the Green Party off the ballot, etc., so your choice this November should be Biden and some Biden approved opponents. Just like Putin had his election this year in Russia, where Navalny was in jail and then dead, and other opponents were kicked off the ballot, and only the approved opposition was on the ballot against Putin. Putin won with 80% of the vote. That is what the Democrats want here. The Democratic Party is an enemy of democracy.

     In some Democratic run states and cities, officials seek to register illegal aliens.  Sometimes they allege it is only to vote in school board elections where the illegals have children in school.  But are there really separate voting rolls?  No.  The purpose is to register non-citizens so they can swell the Democratic Party vote.  Can it make a difference?  There were estimates of 800,000 who could be registered in New York State alone.  Bad enough that our citizen taxpayers are paying for the education of the illegals.  Worse, when they graduate, if they are people of color, the illegals may well receive an affirmative action preference over a white or Asian American citizen.  Why do people who invade our country receive preferences over American citizens?  The invader is invited to the head of the line for jobs, promotions, scholarships, admissions, while the American citizens are pushed further and further behind.  How can this happen?  Because the invaders are more likely to vote Democrat, to vote for Biden, than American citizens.

     Pres. Biden aids and abets a foreign invasion of the United States. That is why we have open borders.  This helps the long-range goals of the Democrats, and Biden in the short run.  It is still treason.  Traitor Joe is a danger to democracy and to American citizens.

     One need not agree with Trump on all issues, or even on many issues, to see the danger to the country if Biden and the Democrats win in November 2024.   -------Hugh Murray

Saturday, March 30, 2024


The VDARE site is being shut down due to the actions of the NY State Democrats, and especially Atty Gen. Letitia James, who is also among the many Democrats prosecuting former President Donald Trump.  They do not want an opposition party to exist.  They do not want free speech to criticize their policies.  They do  not want to allow anyone to contend elections are stolen.  They do not want Brimelow to continue to criticize the Democrats open border policies on immigration.  If you do criticize them, your site is not #1 when you google it - that spot goes to the Southern Poverty Law Center to warn you not to read the VDARE site..  And read below on what NY is doing to the leader of VDARE. ---Hugh Murray   The following comes from VDARE

VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow writes:

I launched VDARE.com on Christmas Eve 1999. So it is perhaps appropriate that, on Good Friday 2024, the anniversary of Christ’s death,  I must announce VDARE.com’s crucifixion by New York State’s communist Attorney General Letitia James.


On March 27 2024, in another of her lightning-fast NYAG James-compliant rulings, New York State Supreme Court Judge Sabrina Kraus held us in Contempt  Of Court because we have not yet complied (because we were fighting it) with her January 23 2023 order that we meet NYAG James’ massive and crippling subpoena demands.

Judge Kraus did modify her earlier order to reflect the intervention (much appreciated) of the Institute for Free Speech. So now we no longer have to reveal, explicitly, the names of our pseudonymous writers, some of whom would certainly be fired from their jobs if their identities leaked.

But we are still required to review 40 gigabytes of emails, an enormous amount. And of course these would  in fact reveal the names of those pseudonymous writers, as well as our donors, privileged communications with lawyers etc.

Judge Kraus has also now allowed us to redact these emails. But this is a huge task, which our lawyers estimate could cost as much as $150,000.

An observer tells us this order is more typical of major corporate litigation, not a tiny charity.

And, perversely, although Judge Kraus has now modified her January 23 2023 order, she is nevertheless now fining us $250 a day for not complying with it.

We have fought NYAG Letitia James, at a cost of up to $1 million, for nearly three years. But now we are literally hanging on the cross.


Friday, March 29, 2024


Hero teen helped over 100 to safety during Moscow terrorist attack

Islam Khalilov, who worked part-time at the Crocus City Hall, led panicked concertgoers to safety amid Friday’s shooting spree
Hero teen helped over 100 to safety during Moscow terrorist attack

A teenager who led over 100 people to safety during Friday’s terrorist attack at a Moscow concert hall, has been hailed as a hero. 15-year-old Islam Khalilov, who worked part-time in one of the cloakrooms at Crocus City, recounted the events of the tragic evening to the Ruptly video agency.

The concert venue situated just outside of Moscow was packed ahead of a performance by the Russian rock band Picnic, when a group of terrorists armed with assault rifles forced their way into the building. They fired indiscriminately at fleeing people and then set the concert hall on fire.

According to the latest estimates, the attack has claimed the lives of at least 137 people, with about 180 injured.

Khalilov told the video agency that “it was when people started running from the escalator, from the stairway” that he realized that an emergency was occurring. The teenager said that he was acting on “instincts” at the time and used his thorough knowledge of the premises to quickly arrange visitors’ evacuation toward another building within the Crocus City complex.

“I started shouting all across the foyer, all across Crocus City Hall - ‘Folks, there’s a shooting! All run to the expo!’ – and I was showing where they had to go and was helping everyone,” he explained.

According to the cloakroom attendant, “there was a stampede, and everyone was in shock at first. No one knew what to do and where to go.”

Khalilov added that he himself was running behind the entire group to make sure he had not left anyone behind.

The teenager admitted to being “really scared” all along, but still managed to make the right use the instructions he’d previously been given on how to evacuate patrons in case of an emergency.

He told Ruptly that, at one point, he had caught a glimpse of one of the terrorists.

“I saw one, [he was] bearded and in green fatigues, he was walking around with an assault rifle,” the teenager recounted.

He also recalled seeing a man getting fatally shot by one of the assailants, adding that he “can’t stop thinking about it.”

The 15-year-old said he doesn’t consider himself a hero, and that he was just doing his job.

Explaining what helped him overcome fear, Khalilov reasoned that “It’s better to sacrifice yourself than to let a hundred people die.”

After Khalilov’s feat had been reported-on by several Russian media outlets, his favorite football club, FC Spartak Moscow, invited him to a meeting where he was presented with free passes to their matches.

Popular Russian rap artist Morgenstern said he had transferred 1,000,000 rubles ($11,000) to the teenager – something that Khalilov has confirmed to media.

The leader of Russia's Muslims, Mufti Ravil Guynutdin, has announced that Khalilov would receive a medal for his bravery.