Sunday, September 6, 2015


Hugh Murray 8 hours ago 0 12 
The more the borders are open, the more immigrants will come. If Europe wants to stop the invasion, it should sink the boats so they never reach European shores. Word would quickly get out - Europe is for the Europeans. Let the Muslim "refugees" go to nearby Muslim nations instead. But the "refugees" do not want that, they want the welfare riches of socialist Europe. AND the nearby Muslim nations do not want the Muslim refugees, out of fear of terrorists among them (so Europe can get the terrorists, too). To save Europe, to stop the invasion, Europeans must defy the hate-Europe crowd which includes the UN, EU bureaucrats, and the Papacy.

America faces a similar fate. The Pope, a Catholic, urges the US, a traditional Protestant secular nation, to accept millions of Catholic invaders. They come here not to assimilate to American values, but demand we learn Spanish, etc. The question is why do these millions of Catholic invaders leave their Catholic homelands? Why are the Catholic homelands so poor by comparison to the US? So crime ridden? So corrupt? Why did Catholic societies fail to produce the riches found in the more Protestant lands?

Ignore the Pope when he comes preaching pro-invasion sermons to the US. Ask why Catholic nations have so failed to produce wealth? If Catholic nations could do that, then they need not invade North America.

Earlier today I had posted this comment on one of the stories about the immigration crisis.  My solution sounds cruel, but it will save lives.  Once people learn they cannot take the boats across the Med. Sea to Northern European welfare, they will either stay home, or move to nations closer to their own, both geographically and culturally.  And under the present system, Europe is importing a sharia future, with forthcoming terrorism.

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