Thursday, June 25, 2015

Charleston, SC murders in perspectives

In 2012 I posted my review of Colin Flaherty's WHITE GIRL BLEED A LOT (earlier version) on amazon books.  Just after a young white racist entered a Black church in Charleston, S.C., joined with the group in a prayer meeting, and then proceeded to murder innocent Blacks, there was much anger.  Suddenly, there was a new comment re my review.  I do not plan to repeat my review here (it is on amazon and on an earlier section of this blog), but I will included some recent comments on my review on amazon.  Clearly Charles did not approve of my review.---Hugh Murray

Posted on Jun 20, 2015 3:39:30 AM PDT
Charles says:
who is this racist bastard, they do not touch upon that the master plan was to kill off blacks and destroy black households from day one that we were brought here via ship, killing us, raping us, dividing us, hanging us, using and abusing us, end of institutionalize slavery, then jailing us for no apparent reason dropped guns and drugs into our neighborhoods via ship, planes and etc. by the cia under bush, the child abuse law strictly enforced due to our kids were behaving to well because we whipped our kids, they respected authority and feared there parents at the same time. started taking away the recreation centers, boys and girls clubs and etc. took away jobs, promoted our women above the black man to create more problems, all because the fear of the black man. so yeah you are going to get gangs, drug dealers, rapist, and etc. and yes racism created all of America's ills in this stolen land.
Your post, in reply to an earlier post on Jun 20, 2015 7:34:54 AM PDT
Hugh Murray says:
If the master plan was to kill off all Blacks, the whites would have left them in Africa. Slavery existed in Africa, and the Africans traded off their Black slaves for goods from the Europeans. Slave ships were horrible, but the slaves were cargo, to be sold for profit. Killing them made no sense - except in the fantasy world of Black nats. Slavery did exist in the US, but whites finally elected a party opposed to slavery, and the costliest war was fought which resulted in the destruction of slavery. Blacks in the US are probably the wealthiest Black population on earth.
What happened when the colonial powers departed Africa and it became "free"? See all the boat today fleeing Africa for Europe. Today in parts of Africa there is still slavery, there is still slaughter, there is still hunger. The descendants of the slaves who were brought to the US are the lucky ones.
Unfortunately, too many repay America by robbing, mugging, beating, and murdering whites. B on w crime is much higher than w on B crime; and interracial rape is overwhelmingly B on w. The few cases where a white nut kills Blacks gets national publicity, but the many more examples of Blacks killing whites are ignored by the mainstream media.
The real racism in the US today is anti-white racism, a racism pushed by Pres. Obama, ex-Atty Gen Holder, and the entire mainstream media.
If whites are so bad, why do thousands of Africans seek to get into Europe each day? And so many African immigrants to the US?
You can insult me with your names, but the facts remain, the facts that you prefer to ignore, distort, excuse. You prefer the fictions of Alex Haley's Roots, instead of the truth.
In reply to an earlier post on Jun 20, 2015 4:52:09 PM PDT
J J. Ma says:
It is always helpful to know how the descendants of the freed slaves appreciate the sacrifices of the Union soldiers, and their families, who died and suffered to free their enslaved ancestors.

In reply to an earlier post on Jun 20, 2015 10:18:19 PM PDT
brian says:

Enough ranting on about the past history you can't change, and fast fwd 100 years to today. Besides many Irishmen were also brought over on ships as slaves, but we never hear about their pain and suffering that they experienced at the hands of their landowners. 
Since the civil rights movement and affirmative action things have gotten a lot better for blacks, but much worse for whites. Black History month, black only colleges, and bypassing hiring standards to accommodate minorities are just a few of their perks. 
70% of black families are single parents, what does that tell you about dead beat dads... fukem and leaveem (even Obama can testify to that). 
Black on white crime is roughly ten times of that of white on black crime, and that's not even taking in account that many hispanics crimes are classified as white crimes.
So before you go off and continue blaming us white folk for aggressive black behavior, and all their should really take a good look in the mirror and see who's really at fault for your failure...and try and clean up your act, instead of waiting for the white to do it for you!

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