Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jobs Bill for America: Not Obama's

            Tonight President Obama presented his “Jobs Bill” to Congress and the American people.  His proposal exposed that he is not really interested in creating jobs for Americans.
            America has been losing jobs to foreigners for decades.  Obama and the liberal Republicans seem to believe there is nothing, or little, that America can do to stem the tide.  Obama and the liberal Republicans are WRONG.
            There are an estimated 10 to 15 million illegal aliens in the United States.  Either they are working or they are not.  If they are working, they are foreigners who do not belong in the United States.  They should not be working here; they should not be here.  Deport them.  Many of those millions of jobs in construction and factories could then be filled by Americans.
            If the illegals are not working, they may be on welfare of some kind or another.  Deport them.  This will save hospitals, schools, and welfare agencies considerable sums of money.  If they are in jail, when they have served their time, deport them.  They do not belong in the US to break our laws again.
            To provide greater protection for American workers, the government would have to hire more Border Patrollers, more Immigration inspectors, and people to construct a wall where necessary on the border with Mexico.
            The result of my proposal would be millions of more Americans employed, replacing illegal foreign labor.  Furthermore, many welfare agencies would save considerable sums now spent on illegals.  Finally, there would be a safer border to protect Americans from further invasions of illegals who may want out welfare, our jobs, to distort or destroy our culture, or who may simply be terrorists.  America would be safer, and more prosperous with my job proposal.  Can the same be said of Obama’s?
                        Hugh Murray

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